1. 哲学为科学的根本 mother Chinese... ... a den mother. 女管家 Philosophy is the mother of the sciences. 哲学为科学的根本 ... www.seadict.com|基于3个网页 例句 释义: 全部,哲学为科学的根本 更多例句筛选 1. Philosophy is the mother of the sciences. 哲学为科学的根本。 bbs.e7e73.cn...
6) the fundamental question of philosophy 哲学根本问题补充资料:国际科学史和科学哲学协会 由国际科学史协会同国际逻辑学、方法论和科学哲学协会合并而成的国际性的科学哲学家的学术性团体。简称IUHPS。该协会成立于1956年,会址在法国巴黎。原科学史协会,原逻辑学、方法论和科学哲学协会,作为其中的两个分会而保持...
19 、Philosophy is the mother of the sciences.───哲学为科学的根本 20 、I was being metaphorical. It's a terriblephilosophy.─── 我只是打个比方 那是个很烂的人生观 21 、The movement organized around thisphilosophy.───人民党主义运动围绕人民党主义展开的运动 22 、He is a Doctor of Ph...
Philosophy is different fromscientific contact It will become a basket case "" it means"" A. philosophy is the basisof all specific Sciences, and B. philosophy is based on specific Sciences C. philosophy is the sum ofspecific sciences. D. philosophy is the world outlook Each specific science...
This research aims to map and analyse the nexus between philosophy and computer science: ontological and epistemological, as well as axiological aspects. It is arguably known traditionally that philosophy is regarded as the mother of all rational sciences; However, there has been little hitherto ...
If that sounds reactionary and overly-literal, consider that the page also claims to have found “The Mother Of All Antioxidants“– gluthione — which is a dubious claim unsupported by any medical research. It is curious that the claims of the article linked by the page are so much greater...
The ancient Greeks considered philosophy as the mother of sciences engulfing the essence of all human achievements. It is therefore, natural to associate her with elements of universal scientific developments. The intention of this article is to present the current point of view of the situations go...
Noun1.common sense- sound practical judgment; "Common sense is not so common"; "he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples"; "fortunately she had the good sense to run away" good sense,gumption,horse sense,mother wit,sense ...
Acad. Berol.), for philosophy is required to demonstrate the inanity and nugatoriness of philosophy: "But the mother of demonstrations is philosophy." The same deep sense of the irrecusable obligation is manifested by Plotinus, when, in a rare access of humor, he utters the paradoxical ...
Sample preparation is the process of altering a naturally occurring object into a representative form that is amenable to scientific inquiry. Preparation is an important preliminary to data collection, ubiquitous in the life sciences and elsewhere, yet relatively neglected in historical and philosophical ...