Beyond Good and Evil; Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future. Translated by Walter Arnold Kaufmann. New York,: Vintage Books, 1966.Nietzsche, Friedrich. Beyond good and evil: prelude to a philosophy of the future, trans. Marion Faber. New York and Oxford. Oxford University Press, USA, 1998...
Beyond Good and Evil: The Philosophy Classic (Capstone Classics) Friedrich Nietzsche 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,391 Hardcover 27 offers from$9.99 #18 Big Ideas for Curious Minds: An Introduction to Philosophy The School of Life 4.8 out of 5 stars 1,403 ...
This was required reading for a graduate course in the Humanities. br/Friedrich Nietzsche´s concept of a "will to power" is central to his philosophical beliefs, and a recurring theme in his book "Beyond Good and Evil." When Nietzsche was a budding philosopher, he admired and was influen...
书名: Beyond Good and Evil (Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future) 作者: Friedrich Nietzsche 出版社: Vintage Books 出版年: 1966-09-12 第61页 what is religious 东方奴隶们之所以会对罗马的贵族们复仇,不是因为信仰的不同,而是因为罗马贵族对信仰持有一种漫不经心的自由, 尼采称之为“that half...
Our ideas of good and evil are related to our conceptions of pleasure and pain. >> Morality, there-fore, consists of improving our knowledge by moving from the level of confused and inadequate ideas up to the third level of intuition, where we have clear and distinct ideas of the perfect...
Is consciousness a permanentpart of the universe, giving hope of indefinite growth in wisdom, or is it a transitory accident on a small planet on which life must ultimately become impossible? Are good and evil of importance to the universe or only to man? …… ...
In Buddhism, the concept of non-duality emphasizes the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things, and the idea that there is no inherent distinction between self and other, or between good and evil. This means that all beings are fundamentally equal and deserving of compassion, ...
gave up his job and moved to Sils Maria in the Swiss alps where he lived quietly, working on his masterpieces, among them: The Birth of Tragedy, Human, All Too Human, The Gay Science, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, He had lots of problems:...
想要更好地理解尼采的伦理虚无主义的学生应该进一步阅读《超越善与恶》(Beyond Good and Evil, 1887)和《道德的谱系》(The Genealogy of Morals, 1887),最常见是瓦尔特•考夫曼的译本。 考夫曼也写过一本很有用的关于尼采思想的著作:《尼采:哲学家、心理学家、敌基督》(Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, ...