Chen Huizhen tackled this question in her presentation on the Zhuangzi. Chen introduced the third wave of Zhuangzi studies along with some of the current problems concerning ethics and aesthetics. She then showed how a reconsideration of...
11.On the Market Economic View of the Manuscript of Marx s Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844;论马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的市场经济观 12.On the Economic Ethics in the 1884 Economics and Philosophy Manuscripts;《1844年经济学哲学手稿》经济伦理思想管窥 13.Industrial Ethic in Disguise...
In the semantic debate about perspectival expressions—predicates of taste, aesthetic and moral terms, epistemic modals, etc.—intuitions about a
Notes In the following, I will use bare page references to refer to my original paper. I adjusted Knoks’s case to ensure a stronger parallel with Marple and Poirot. Singh speaks of sets of attitudes or propositions on which the subject has reason to suspend, but I am more comfortable ...
以下是这本书的基本信息和内容节选(绪论部分的中英文)。这本书属于“牛津哲学手册系列”中的一本,关于“牛津哲学手册系列”:牛津哲学手册系列OXFORD HANDBOOKS IN PHILOSOPHY总编:保罗·莫泽(Paul K. Moser)顾问编委:罗伯特·奥迪(Robert Audi)内布拉斯加大学玛莎·努斯鲍姆(Martha C. Nussbaum)芝加哥大学阿尔文·普兰...
These faculty teach many popular and current courses, such as Chinese, Indigenous, and other world philosophy, philosophy of sport and of gaming; philosophy of sex, eco-ethics, AI ethics, and other fields. The fired faculty include the Department's only phenomenologist, only pragmatist, and only...
Educational ResearchEpistemologyEthicsPhilosophyResearch MethodologyThis paper examines what logically is or ought to be the relationship between philosophy and educational research. It explores the sense in which philosophising itself constitutes a form of research and notes the role of philosophy in ...
Asian Journal of Philosophy Aims and scope Submit manuscript Timothy Williamson 1799 Accesses Explore all metrics Abstract This article argues that heuristics play a key role in philosophy, in generating both our verdicts on proposed counterexamples to philosophical theories and philosophical paradoxes. ...
The arguments presented in the article justify the application of the principles of environmental ethics (e.g. Ott 2020) in order to protect people and the biosphere against the effects of the contemporary ecological crisis. For the purposes of the following considerations, interventionism can be ...
18. THE ETHICS BLOG Blog + Follow Blog A blog by the Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB) .Research Ethics is aimed at all readers and authors interested in ethical issues in research, the regulation of research and the procedures and process of et...