Collingwood, himself a major presence in Idealist aesthetics and philosophy of history. Vico emerges as a major influence on French thought in the 1890s when Georges Sorel published “Etude sur Vico” (1896), so entering into the thought of the major theorist of revolution before Lenin, the ...
Thoughts in minds are immaterial, yet they causally influence the actions of the material brain and body. Bob had the great privilege of working with some of the world's leading philosophers of the free will problem starting in 2009, when his first published philosophy appeared in Nature. ...
One thing you have to give Steve Bannon: he knows how to get people yelling at each other. The former Trump chief strategist and Breitbart editor may be greatlyreduced on paper, but he continues to exert a disturbing influence on global affairs – and start fights just by turning up, and...
The lines between technologies and beings are becoming blurred and not just by the ability to create lifelike robots or synthetics. Instead it is about the ability of new technologies to literally become part of us. Technologies already influence how we understand ourselves, how we think about ea...
In 1824, the partnership ended over disputed authorship of the pair’s writings, but Saint-Simon’s influence remained throughout Comte’s life. Philosophical Ideas and Sociology On his own, Comte developed a social doctrine based on scientific principles. In 1826, he began presenting a series ...
How did Jean-Jacques Rousseau influence the American government? Describe Plato's contribution to the "debate" on the best form of government. Who has a better understanding of political life, Arendt or Marx, and why? Explain their positions and make your argument. What responsibilities ...
Back in Barmen, Engels published Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England (1845; The Condition of the Working Class in England), a classic in a field that later became Marx’s specialty. Their first major joint work was Die deutsche Ideologie (1845; The German Ideology), which, however...
In his two major works on thephilosophyofKarl Marx(1818–83),For MarxandReading Capital(both published in 1965), Althusser sought to counter the prevalent interpretation of Marxism as an essentially “humanistic” and “individualist” philosophy in whichhistoryis a goal-directed process aimed at ...
Søren Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher, theologian, and cultural critic who was a major influence on existentialism and Protestant theology in the 20th century. He attacked the literary, philosophical, and ecclesiastical establishments of his day
Ludwig Feuerbach was a German philosopher and moralist remembered for his influence on Karl Marx and for his humanistic theologizing. The fourth son of the eminent jurist Paul von Feuerbach, Ludwig Feuerbach abandoned theological studies to become a stud