Philips Nano Protect Filter 2000 Series说明书 2000 Series Captures 99.97% of particles FY2422/10 Breathe the difference The reassurance of 99.97% purification The NanoProtect HEPA filter captures 99.97% 0.3µm particles, including common allergens, dust, pollution, bacteria & some ...
Philips 2000 系列空气净化器说明书 Philips 2000 Series Air Purifier Purifies rooms up to 79 m²333 m³/h clean air rate (CADR)HEPA & Active Carbon filter AC288799.9% virus, allergen & pollutant removal (2,3,6)With just one push of a button, the air purifier filters the invisible ...
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的系列2000 加湿净化器| 飞利浦| 空气加湿器|胡48011(Series 2000 Humidifier | Philips | Air Humidifier | HU48011), 本站编号39810819, 该创意片库素材大小为13m, 时长为01分 03秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 作者为alp1254, 更多精彩创意片库素材...
Philips FY5186 Nano Protect HEPA濾網 (AC5660) 配件 時刻呼吸更健康的空氣 吸附小至 0.003 微米的有害粒子。 吸收並阻隔甲醛、總揮發性有機化合物和異味 活性碳濾網的表面面積相等於 55 個足球場。 過濾致敏原,例如花粉、灰塵、寵物毛髮 經歐洲過敏研究中心機構 (Ecarf) 證實能有效清除花粉、灰塵...
Effectively filter fine suspended particles Can filter out 0.02 micron fine suspended particles Recommended time to replace the filter: 24 months Specifications Applicable model: AC1213 Warranty Info Warranty not applied. Keyword Search philip comprehensive evaluation ...
Philips FY5185 30 Nano Protect Filter说明书 2000 Series Captures 99.97% of particles FY5185/30 Breathe the difference Removes 99.97% of airborne allergens The NanoProtect filter removes 99.97% of airborne allergens and ultrafine particles as small as 0.003um, including dust, pollution,...
纳米防护S抗过敏原3 滤波器| 空气净化器| 交流电3256 | 飞利浦(Anti-Allergen with NanoProtect S3 Filter | Air Purifier | AC3256 | Philips) Philips en Naturalis scannen miljoenen Jaren Oude公司. 雷克斯特里克斯(Philips en Naturalis scannen miljoenen jaren oude T. rex Trix) 如何用Sonicare钻石刷干净|...