商品名称:飞利浦(PHILIPS)Hue Bridge桥接器 全屋智能控制器支持蓝牙语音 Hue Bridge 桥接器 商品编号:10084466511052 店铺:飞利浦智能家居旗舰店 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请您放心购买!
Unknown error connecting to Hue bridge Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/hue/bridge.py", line 78, in async_initialize_bridge await self.api.initialize() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/aiohue/v2/__init__.py", line 108,...
Philips Hue Bridge connects easily to Google Home, but won’t connect to HomeKit I have set up the Hue app and that works well, also Google Home, but whenever I try to add the bridge to HomeKit I get the message that the Hue Bridge was not found and I need to check connected by ...
Philips HUE Bridge 桥接器在现有 HUE Bridge 桥接器的基础上升级为支持 HomeKit。这款 HUE Bridge 桥接器让你可在 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 上通过 Hue app 控制自己的各种 Hue 产品。只需安装好 HUE Bridge 桥接器,并将 app 下载到 iOS 设备上,便可开始打造定制化的照明系统。
飞利浦hueapp官方版是一个由飞利浦官方推出的智能蓝牙灯具控制软件,它能够对飞利浦旗下的多个智能灯具进行远程控制,支持语音或者点击进行开关、颜色、亮度等调整,匹配连接后安全稳定,适用的场景也非常多,十分值得推荐。 飞利浦hue软件简介 官方Philips Hue 应用程序可用于全面管理、控制和自定义您的 Philips Hue 智能灯具和...
Sign in to your Hue account on multiple devices without needing to push the button on your Hue Bridge. This feature will roll out to users gradually in the coming weeks. And...did you know that if you make a Hue account, you can control your lights from anywhere in the world?
飞利浦Hue是Signify昕诺飞旗下智能家居照明品牌,提供飞利浦hue智能灯、Hue 桥接器、Hue 应用程序APP等多样化照明产品服务,带来全新个性化智能照明体验。
This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.展开表 NameTypeDescriptionRequired HUE application key securestring The API Key that is returned after performing PUT and POST authorization calls. True...
为智能灯具添加 Hue Bridge 桥接器 (需单独购买),体验 Philips Hue 全套功能。 有了Hue Sync Box 声光同步器和 Hue Bridge 桥接器,你可以将 Philips Hue 灯具布置在四周,当开始观影、听歌或者玩游戏时,就能看到灯光随着色彩和节奏而变幻。 包装内容
Philips Hue support without Bridge for Homey Release notes: v.2.1.0 Updated NPM Modules Homey-Zigbeedriver and Zigbee-Clusters Added support for: Contact Sensor v.2.0.54 Added support for: Akari Downlight v.2.0.53 Added support for: Fugato 4-Spotlight v.2.0.52 Added support for: Tua...