Philipshas announced two new pairs of Fidelio headphones - the over-ear Fidelio L4 and in-ear T2 - while also expanding its range of Go sports headphones. Following on from last year’s five-starFidelio L3, the L4 over ears promise active noise cancellation, an improved 50 hours of playba...
audiophile的梦想, Philips Fidelio Primo DS9000相接报告人演奏音乐从您的iPad、iPhone或者iPod以最宜的清晰。 抽100瓦特力量通过12毫米厚实的墙壁,这位优质报告人回报您的音乐与醉汉, lossless细节。 它运用优质音频技术--象被动天桥设计和PureDigital技术--创造至善至美的音频再生产。 DS9000也以一个典雅,弯曲的设计...