1996. Comparison of average chemical composition of loess in Loess Plateau with Clark values of crust (in Chinese). Acta Pedol Sin, 33: 225-231. Google Scholar [51] Wood D A, Mattey D P, Joron J L, et al. 1981. A geochemical study of 17 selected samples from basement cores ...
And I think these are values that are inculcated to us by our own parents." 36 Philippine Resiliency: A Gem Uncovered Isla Lipana & Co., a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers 37 Chapter five Bamboo is nature's most sustainable resource, it can regenerate itself and grow to heights of...
without reducing the practice and outcomes of cybersex to one or the other. The cybersex worker may be placed under oppressive conditions, such as exploitative labor dynamics. At the same time, the worker’s affective capacities generate values not just for capitalism but for herself, her family...
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of values that has governed our conduct as citizens of this country. To find an honest person nowadays is like playing Contra – you’d need the Konami code to find one. The problem is that being honest does not pay. Our system of values is being corrupted. It will be overthrown soon....
Spinel Cr# values (0.06–0.56) indicate mid-oceanic ridge (MOR) derivation. Isotropic and layered gabbros are both present; the isotropic variety is observed to overlie a sequence of layered ultramafic cumulate and residual peridotite. The crystallization order for the gabbro is plagioclase followed...
The foreign exchange market determines the relative values of different currencies. (wiki.org) The exchange rate is the price of a unit of foreign currency in terms of the domestic currency. In the Philippines, for instance, the exchange rate is conventionally expressed as the value of one US...
Since the rainy-season precipitation of the Asian monsoon system exerts tremendous socioec- onomic impacts on many places inside and outside Asia, the variations and their effects of the summer monsoon rainfall have been investigated extensively3–5. However, the springtime rainfall over southern ...
Similar Vp models were obtained for DAr4, KPr12, and KPr31 (Fig.3). The boundary between the KPR and the Shikoku Basin is again characterized by very thin crust of 3 to 5 km and Pn velocities of 8.0–8.1 km, which are different from values found generally in the Shikoku Basin. On ...
The R values of the north–southward component are statistically significant, with values larger than 0.7 in all four layers (Figure 4b–e), verifying that GLORYS12V1 simulates the variability of the DWBC well. The reason for the high reproducibility of the GLORYS12V1 is speculated due to ...