“Our appeal is for the national government to conduct swab test, not just rapid testing,” Robredo said in her program over radio station dzXL. “I hope (the national government) will not pass the responsibility to the (local government units), because it will be harder for them,” she ...
Chert float samples believed to have come from the Huatung Basin that were collected on Lanyu Island also provided ∼113–117 Ma radiolarian ages (Deschamps et al., 2000). These, however, are not the only ages derived from this area, hence, the controversy to the basin's true nature....
Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, Texas, pp 263–276 Google Scholar Lagabrielle Y, Goslin J, Martin H, Thirot JL, Auzende JM (1997) Multiple active spreading centers in the hot North Fiji Basin (Southweast Pacific): a possible model for Archean seafloor dynamics? Earth Planet Sci ...