The currency calculator will convert exchange rate of Philippine peso (PHP) to Sri Lankan rupee (LKR). PHP - Philippine peso LKR - Sri Lankan rupee 1 PHP = 4.95 LKR 5 PHP = 24.75 LKR 10 PHP = 49.51 LKR 20 PHP = 99.01 LKR 25 PHP = 123.76 LKR 50 PHP = 247.53 LKR 100 PHP = ...
Dive into historical exchange rates for PHP to LKR with Wise's currency converter. Analyse past currency performance, track trends, and discover how currencies have fluctuated over time.
Calculator to convert money in Philippine Peso (PHP) to and from United States Dollar (USD) using up to date exchange rates.
This Philippine Peso and New Zaire convertoris up to datewith exchange rates from January 7, 2025. Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Philippine Peso. Use "Swap currencies" to make New Zaire the default currency. Click on New Zaires or Philippine Pesos to convert...
The currency calculator will convert exchange rate of Sri Lankan rupee (LKR) to Philippine peso (PHP). LKR - Sri Lankan rupee PHP - Philippine peso 10 LKR = 2.02 PHP 50 LKR = 10.10 PHP 100 LKR = 20.20 PHP 250 LKR = 50.50 PHP 500 LKR = 101.00 PHP 1,000 LKR = 202.00 PHP 2,...
This Malaysian Ringgit and Philippine Peso convertoris up to datewith exchange rates from January 17, 2025. Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Malaysian Ringgit. Use "Swap currencies" to make Philippine Peso the default currency. Click on Philippine Pesos or Malaysian ...
This Papua New Guinea Kina and Philippine Peso convertoris up to datewith exchange rates from January 4, 2025. Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Papua New Guinea Kina. Use "Swap currencies" to make Philippine Peso the default currency. Click on Philippine Pesos or...