system in the Philippines that operates as an attached agency of the Philippine Department of Science and Technology. It is known for its strong emphasis on science, mathematics, and language proficiency, and its rigorous selection process for admission. The National Competitive Examination …Read ...
Upon paying the admission fee, we were assigned a lady volunteer guide for our 45-min. tour. The cavernouszaguanorgarahe(parking area for horse-drawn carriages and, later, cars) has flooring made ofpiedra china(stones used as weights in trade ships that disembarked in Manila). A mirror, ...
As one traveller shared with Philippine Flight Network, "It is such a pain to have an onward ticket," wrote the traveller. "Sometimes I am travelling to the Philippines for medical treatment and I am never exactly sure how long it will take. Sometimes I am travelling as a tourist and I ...
subject to such physical and mental examination as he may prescribe, the number of cadets necessary to maintain the Cadet Corps at a strength of not to exceed three hundred and fiftyat any one time. Cadets shall be selected from among candidates as hereinafter provided. Candidates for admissionm...
The estimation of out-of-pocket fees brings the estimate of the cost per pneumonia admission to USD 356. Despite this higher amount, the cost per admission was still lower than those for Malaysia and Indonesia and lower than that reported in a recent study by Tumanan-Mendoza et al. (which...