Heavy metals normally found in contaminated water and soil were magnified in three different concentrations 1000x, 100x, 10x. Baseline data for these metals were based on the Philippine National Standards for drinking water (PNS) and the US Environmental Quality Standards for Soil Pollution. ...
Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water Philippine National Touring Car Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency Philippine Navy Philippine Navy Special Warfare Group Philippine Nephrology Society Philippine Network for Ecotourism Development Philippine Network for Justice and Peace Philippine...
TheADBsaidthatwaterqualityinareaswherefishand shellfishwereharvestedfailedtomeetenvironmental standards. "Thecountry'spositionasamajorinternationalplayer, beingthefourthlargestproducerofaquacultureproducts intheworldandthelargestinSoutheastAsia,maynot besustained,"itwarned. TheADBisfundinga10-month,50,000-dollarpilo...