Heavens - stories about gods, goddesses, wind, rain, the sky, and other heavenly celestial bodies.Earth - stories about the earth, volcanoes, mountains, the land, islands, and the origin of the Philippines.Water - stories about seas, rivers, waterfalls, and other bodies of water.People...
The Philippine literature contains beliefs, myths, folklore legends which inherited from the native Filipinos and from the conquerors. This has been part of their daily life. The Hispanic colonization influenced the country and has heavy impact to the Filipinos because they are longest conquerors, sta...
Philippine Folktales, Myths and Legends This section has been spun off into a different site accessible at: http://folktales.webmanila.com Filipino Illustrators Arnold Arre|Jose Aruego|Lynda Barry| Alberto Gamos | Joanne De Leon | Mark Justiniani ...
脑洞是真大! 菲律宾地处热带地区,盛产各种美味的热带水果。并且菲律宾作为千岛之国,在众多小岛上分布着很多古老的部落,其中就流传着有关榴莲、芒果的神话传说。# 菲律宾神话传说 # 菲律宾神话传说 :榴莲 榴莲被称为水果之王,对于很多喜欢榴莲的菲律宾旅行者来说,心愿清单上一定不会漏掉榴莲大餐。但是对于不喜欢榴莲的...