In the Philippines, treaties or international agreements require the approval of the Senate in its ratification by the president. Duterte's presidential term ended in June 2022. Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos succeeded Duterte to be the 17th Philipp...
In the Philippines, treaties or international agreements require the approval of the Senate in its ratification by the president. Duterte's presidential term ended in June 2022. Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos succeeded Duterte to be the 17th Philippine president. The RCEP is a trade pact that consolidate...
In the Philippines, treaties or international agreements require the approval of the Senate in its ratification by the president. Duterte's presidential term ended in June 2022. Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos succeeded Duterte to be the 17th Philippine president. The RCEP is a trade pact that consolidate...
In the Philippines, treaties or international agreements entered into by the government require Senate concurrence. However, the Senate failed to ratify the agreement when it adjourned its last session on Wednesday. Some senators defer the voting due to concerns over the lack of safeguards for the ...
Note: Citizens of countries that have commercial trade and navigation agreements with the United States come to the United States for a considerable scale of trade, including trade in technology and services, and mainly operate trade between the United States and the agreement countries, or develop...
"To drive exports growth, we are also looking at maximizing trade agreements with countries in the region," Pernia said. He noted that export volumes may increase especially for banana, coconut, and other agricultural produce by negotiating tariff structures and implementing free trade agreements to...
anti-competitive agreements, price fixing, illegal combinations, hoarding, profiteering, tying, bundling, coordination, bid rigging or manipulation, abuse of market power, predatory behavior, and other arrangements which have the effect of substantially preventing, restricting or lessening competition in th...
Joint development agreements for the exploration of oil and gas resources, ensuring both parties benefit economically. Investing in infrastructure projects to weave economic interdependence and thus reduce the incentive for conflict. Conclusion The sea disputes between China and the Philippines embody a com...
They also attended signing ceremony of a number of cooperation agreements by officials of the two countries at the Malacanang presidential palace on Monday evening. The two leaders agreed that China and the Philippines should enlarge friendly exchanges at all levels, and strengthen exchanges and coope...
This is according to a September 17, 2021, notice of filings of additional restructuring support agreements (RSA) between Philippine Airlines and various counter-parties with the US Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York, where the airline is in voluntary Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceed...