The Mayor may, in the interest of the service and with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior first had, transfer officers and employees not appointed by the President of the Philippines from one section, division or service to another section, division or service within the same departm...
* In deciding this case, the Second Division has marvelously forgotten (intentional or not, it does not matter) that the 1987 Philippine Constitution has two provisions regarding religion. Article II, Section 6 states “The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable.” ...
MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution do hereby adopt, promulgate and decree, as it hereby adopted, promulgated and decreed, as part of the law of the land, this decree entitled "The Real Property Tax Code", the context of which ...
I replied, in part, as follows:. Moreover, the right of privacy is recognized and enshrined in several provisions of the Philippines Constitution. It is expressly recognized in Section 3(1) of the ... outlet and extension: 6 Happy Things ...
(1) There is a grave violation of the Constitution; (2) The exceptional character of the situation and paramount public interest is involved; (3) When constitutional issue raised requires formulation of controlling principles to guide the bench, the bar, and the public; and (4) The case is...
? ? ? ? ? THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINES (constitutional limitations) 菲律宾宪法(宪法限制) 1987 Constitution 1987年宪法 ? ? available at the BIR library 可在税务局图书馆查阅 Observance of due process of law 遵守正当法律程序 Section 1, Article III, Bill of Rights 人权法案第三条第一款 ...
WHEREAS, pursuant toArticle VISection 23(2) of the1987 Constitution,RA 11469authorized the President to exercise powers that are necessary and proper to carry out the declared national policy, and adopt temporary emergency measures to respond to the crisis brought about by the pandemic for...
and proceedings now pending therein or hereafter determined thereby in which the Constitution or any statute, treaty, title, right, or privilege of the United States is involved, or in causes in which the value in controversy exceeds $25,000, or in which the title or possession of real estat...
Sec. 4. General Powers of the City. — The City shall have a common seal and may alter the same at pleasure. It shall exercise the powers to levy taxes, close and open roads, streets, alleys, parks or squares subject to the provisions of the Constitution and existing laws. It may ta...
The intent of both Congress and the framers of our Constitution to limit the participation of civil service officers and employees in partisan political activities is too plain to be mistaken. But Section 2(4), Article IX-B of the 1987 Constitution and the implementing statutes apply only to ...