Because of the church's age, it has become a witness to many significant events in Philippine history during the Spanish period. In 1762, during the Seven Year’s War, British forces looted the church. In 1898, the church became a venue for American and Spaniards to discuss and sign the ...
composing in English was consigned to limbo. It chose up after the war, however, with a fervor and drive for quality that continue to this day. Stevan Javellana's "Without Seeing the Dawn" (1947 ), the very first postwar novel in English, was released in theUnited States. In 1946...
Locating the Asog: A Historical Account of Philippine Gay Identity in the Spanish Colonial PeriodTorres, Francis Luis M.Humanities Diliman
PALADONG FESTIVAL. Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur, August 28. A festivity of arts and rituals. The art of performing the ritual of “ladong” conducted by a “landongan”, a person who has the power and ability to cure as medium to call the spirits and relay the wishes to the clients thr...
Pre-Colonial Period between 900 AD - 1565 - Parents, families and villages were responsible for children's learning as formal schools are not yet existing. -People mostly learned on their own surrounding as they all share one culture; unique language, music, art, written literature, spoken lite...
(for theSpoliariumandVirgenes Cristianas Expuesta al Populacho), respectively, at the art competition sponsored by the Exposicion de Bellas Artes in Madrid. He wrote these in codes in his diary which were later decoded by Miguel Unamuno, his Spanish friend, upon the request of Wenceslao Retana...
The Spanish period in the Philippines Spanish colonial motives were not, however, strictly commercial. The Spanish at first viewed the Philippines as astepping-stoneto the riches of theEast Indies(Spice Islands), but, even after thePortugueseandDutchhad foreclosed that possibility, the Spanish still...
In the Philippines, notably in and around Manila, Spanish Roman Catholic art flourished after the Spanish colonization. Elsewhere, European academy painting conventions made a steady incursion from the mid-19th century onward. The postwar period of nationalism, which marked the end of European ...