比如,在说耶稣的时候,希伯来书说:“主啊,你起初立了地的根基,天也是你手所造的。”【希伯来书 1:10】这句话引自【诗篇 102:24-25】,而在诗篇里,这句话是指着耶和华神说的。这句话也与约翰对道的描写相符:“万物是借着他造的。凡被造的,没有一样不是借着他造的。”【约翰福音 1:3】同样,希伯来书...
比如當神命令亞伯拉罕殺他的兒子時,經上寫到:“他以為神還能叫人從死裏復活。他也仿佛從死中得回他的兒子來。”【希伯來書 11:19】“思念”和希伯來書這一節裏的“以為”都譯自希臘文“λογιζομαι”,這個詞還有“看作”或“算成”的意思,比如,“這樣,你們向罪也當看自己是死的﹔向神在基督耶...
Bible > Philippians > Chapter 1 > Verse 25◄ Philippians 1:25 ► Audio Cross Study Comm Greek Verse (Click for Chapter) New International VersionConvinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith,New Living ...
Philippians 1:23 ► Audio Cross Study Comm Greek Verse (Click for Chapter) New International VersionI am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far;New Living TranslationI’m torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which ...
1, 2, and 3 John Revelation Revelation Conquering Lamb of Revelation Topical Glorious Kingdom, The Grace Great Prayers Holy Spirit, Disciple's Guide Humility Lamb of God Listening for God's Voice Lord's Supper Names of God Names of Jesus ...
Part One: The Prayer: “Losing frustration and Gaining a Positive Heart” (1:1-11) Our quick definition of prayer: “a process of exchanging burdens for energy as I spend time with my Savior.” In the case of Paul in the Philippian letter, his prayer was: • Public (1:1-2) •...
In this book and Bible study ... S Briscoe,DS Briscoe,S Vance,... 被引量: 0发表: 2004年 A Guide to the Dolph Briscoe Sr., Papers, 1933-1954 Simon Peter was an ordinary man of no social standing. And yet Jesus chose him to be the "rock" upon which the church would be built....
Bible - Romans 1-5 8th Grade 14個詞語 Will_White26 預覽 Unit 4 Test 13個詞語 Hudson_Bazemore_ 預覽 World Religions - Crossword Puzzle 33個詞語 Aaliyah_White82 預覽 Unit 1: Introduction to Mythology & Folklore 15個詞語 shaelie02 預覽 Hist. of Christians Study Guide 1 23個詞語 Av_Valdez...
Introduction to the book of Psalm Introduction to the book of Psalm 1 entry Introduction to the book of Philippians Introduction to the book of Philippians 1 entryBible Gateway Recommends NKJV, The Bible Study Bible, Comfort Print: A Study Guide for Every Chapter of the Bible Retail: $49.9...
“collectivist” cultural perspective birthed from her understanding of Confucianism, which she applies to Phil 1:27–2:4 as a case study. Tan argues that ancient texts and realia derive from a social context, and as social beings/actors, researchers should be aware of their own positionality ...