The Wild Honey Suckle 野金银花 Philip Freneau 热度: Analysis of Wild Honey Suckle 诗歌 野金银花分析 热度: 利用Plus 95为Windows 95“化妆” 热度: TheWildHoneySuckleTheWildHoneySuckle GroupMembers: TheIntroductionofTheWriter TheFirstStanza TheSecondStanza ...
The-Wild-HoneySuckle-野金银花Philip-Freneau TheIntroductionoftheWriter PhilipFreneau(1752--1832)菲利普·弗伦诺 Hewasthemostsignificantpoetof18thcenturyAmerica.“PoetoftheAmericanRevolution”(美国革命诗人)“FatherofAmericanPoetry”(美国诗歌之父)Almostaloneofhisgeneration,hemanagedtopeerthroughthepervasive...
THE WILD HONEYSUCKLE - Philip Freneau 菲利普·弗倫諾《野忍冬》第三節 Smit with those charms,that must decay, I grieve to see your future doom; They died---nor were those flowers more gay, The f...
To some extent, Freneau’s poem is a longer expounding of William Blake’s poem: “To see the world in a grain of sand,/And a heaven in a wild flower,/Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,/And eternity in an hour.” In the first two stanzas, to start with, F...
The-Wild-Honey-Suckle-野金银花-Philip-Freneau学习资料.ppt,The Wild Honey Suckle;;;Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, (a) 美丽的金银花, Hid in this silent, dull retreat, (b) 你粲然绽放于幽静一角。;Unseen thy little branches greet: (b) 迎风起舞,无人
Honeysuckle 忍冬花,俗称金银花 •Fragrant•acidsoils•herbaceousplant•shortlived•likeswater Backgroundinformation -Freneaucameacrossaclusterofwildhoneysucklewhenhewastakingawalking,whichinspiredhimtowritethepoem Fairflower,thatdostsocomelygrow,Hidinthissilent,dullretreat,Untouchedthyhoneyedblossomsblow,Unseen...
TheWildHoneySuckle野金银花PhilipFreneau-PPT课件 下载积分: 2800 内容提示: The Wild Honey Suckle 野金银花 Philip Freneau 文档格式:PPT | 页数:23 | 浏览次数:416 | 上传日期:2019-07-26 01:44:29 | 文档星级: The Wild Honey Suckle 野金银花 Philip Freneau 阅读...
TheWildHoneySuckle 15 第四小节 诗人对主题进一步挖掘 至此 Freneau借助金银花的荣枯阐述了自己毫不掩饰的自然观 万物有生必有死 有荣必有枯 花开花落 四季转换乃自然界的规律 这一规律是不以人的意志为转移的 是人类无法抗拒的 自然界万物的生生息息乃自然的神力所造就 是人类无法左右的 因而 对于花的荣枯 ...
Bellona Times - Philip Freneau: The Wild Honeysuckle 专辑: Thirty-Seven American Poems 歌手:Bellona Times 还没有歌词哦Bellona Times - Philip Freneau: The Wild Honeysuckle / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Philip Freneau: The Wild Honeysuckle Bellona Times 01:42...
TheWildHoneySuckleTheWildHoneySuckle GroupMembers: TheIntroductionofTheWriter TheFirstStanza TheSecondStanza TheThirdStanza TheFourthStanza Form,Structure&FiguresofSpeech Summary 第一页,共23页。 TheWildHoneySuckle2 PhilipFreneau(1752--1832)菲利普·弗伦诺 Hewasthemostsignificantpoetof18th centuryAmerica. “Poet...