Phileas Fogg is a rich English man who during a card game makes a bet that he could go around the world in 80 days.He buys a train ticket,and goes to France where he meets his assistant to begin the journey around the world.Along the way,they have to overcome much difficulty.Fogg sp...
D.FoggandPassepartoutjumped out of the steamship and swam to the coast. 9. What happened toPhileasFoggwhen they arrived in Liverpool? A.Foggwas arrested byMrFix as a robber. B.Foggsaw some members of the Reform Club. C. The five wealthy men welcome him in the port. D.MrsAoudaexpressed...
InAround the World in Eighty Days, how many cities did Phileas Fog visit in India? Indian Cities in Fogg's Journey: Around the World in Eighty Daysis a 19th century adventure novel by French author Jules Verne. The protagonist, Londoner Phileas Fogg, travels around the...
PhileasFoggwas locked up inthe policestation.Itwas 2oclockin the afternoonon December 21.A very fast train could still take him to London in time to be at his club by 8:45. At 2:23,thedoor was opened and Fix runin.Hewas out ofbreath,redin theface.Thereal bank thief was arrested ...