(e.g. Nick Gillespie, Cathy Young, Robby Soave, Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Katherine Mangu-Ward, Peter Suderman, Ilya Somin, Eugene Volokh), and the anti-Trump libertarians at the new Substack 'The UnPopulist' (e.g. Shikha Dalmia, Aaron Ross Powell, Berny Belvedere, Radley Balko). The ...
While the nearby schools within the Philadelphia City School District, such as Fitler Academics Plus, Pennell Joseph School, and Howe Julia Ward School, also perform poorly on academic measures, some of these schools perform slightly better than Logan James School in certain subject areas and grade...
NLCD provides 30 m spatial resolution land cover maps for the whole United States and is used to identify vegetated NBS (e.g., mangroves, green spaces). A total of following eight classifications were identified for NBS: open space (21), deciduous forest (41), evergreen forest (42), ...