Pumpkin Cream Cheese: Omit the water from the base recipe. Spero is softer than cream cheese, more like a spread, and the consistency is a little grainy, like a homemade alternative. Soft Philadelphia cream cheese in 8-ounce plastic tubs is introduced in test markets in both the U.S. ...
Red Bean Pumpkin Chestnut Pudding Does Red Bean Pumpkin Chestnut Pudding sound funky enough for you? The best part is, no, make that the best parts are: No cooking, Delicious, and nutritious enough to be much more than dessert, Moroccan Sweet Potato Tajine Attention sweet potato lovers, this...
Pumpkinland at Linvilla Orchards — Photo by R. Kennedy for Visit Philadelphia September 7 - November 2, 2024 The name says it all whenLinvilla Orchards’ annualPumpkinlandopens for the season. The gourd gala features a slew of daytime ticketed activities like harvest hayrides around the farm...