1.按傳統作者是阿摩司。名字解作『重擔或負擔』。 2.家長背景 -沒有父親名字,故身世十分平凡 -家鄉:提哥亞(Tekoa意指「支搭帳篷」)。 猶大國一小鎮,曠野之地。理想防守之地、牧羊之地。 (撒下14:1;代下11:5;20:20;耶6:1;尼3:5) 3.阿摩司的工作 (1:1;7:14-15[2]) ...
馬可福音 [這個大綱參我的道學碩士畢業論文, 加上最近我的研究改寫而成。我的論文:Jesus' Ministry According to Gospel Mark From a Sociological Perspective, pp.9-10.]I. 祂的預備 (His preparation: 1:1-13[desert & Jordan River 沙漠及約旦河])A.本書主題: (1:1) B.預備道路:...
开头的短短一句话就告诉了我们,尼哥底母是一个男人,是一个法利赛人,而且是犹太人的一个官长(犹太公会71名成员中的一员)。在后面的文字里,从他和耶稣的对话中,我们还知道他是以色列人的老师。 “How can this be?” Nicodemus asked. “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not unde...
Oops! A Content Analysis of the Crisis Surrounding Phil Robertson LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Lynnda S. Beavers MalindaSarah WavinyaThe purpose of this study was to apply Benoit's theory of image restoration to apologetic discourse offered by those involved in the crisis surrounding Phil Robertson following ...
The ideal process is to come to the Bible by first working hard to study what it means. The next step is to reflect, in the power of the Holy Spirit, on the meaning of the passage for your own life and community. Reflection will bring up more questions about the meaning ...
保羅的勸勉 - 我所親愛、所想念的弟兄姊妹,你們就是我的喜樂,我的冠冕。我親愛的弟兄姊妹,你們要靠主堅定不移。 我懇求友阿蝶和循都姬要在主裡同心。 忠心的同工啊,請你幫助她們二人,因為她們曾與我、革利免和其他同工一起為福音辛勞,這些人的名字都記錄在生命冊上了
In the July of 2003 Dave and Dot Robertson came into the work from York. Dave originally had come from Liverpool and had previously worked as a volunteer as part of Stan’s ship visiting team back in the late seventies and early eighties.By the time Dave retired from the work towards the...