2930 6 24:13 App 耐克创始人Phil Knight,斯坦福商学院毕业演讲 1670 -- 36:57 App 耐克创始人菲尔·奈特访谈:如何创立耐克和克服危机 477 -- 6:58 App 价值上亿的装备SwimEX 806 -- 8:19 App 菲尔奈特是如何让Nike在运动品牌中称王 251 -- 3:51 App 运动的价值 185 -- 36:36 App 《好色...
By Phil Knight In this book, for the first time ever, Nike founder and CEO Phil Knight shares the inside story of the company’s early days and its development in becoming one of the world’s most game-changing and money-making brands (品牌). In 1962, fresh out of business school, Ph...
去年读了Nike老大Phil Knight的自传,今天去了Nike的世界总部参观,一个刚毕业的大学生出来创业,能有这样的成就也真的是凤毛麟角,鼓励自己坚持下去的动力就是,毕竟前面有人走过来了,不容易,但也走过来了。建筑出身还是不由自主琢磨了一下墙体施工工艺。 2American·Washington Snohomish ...
CNBC writes that Knight's book will talk about issues such as the trouble Nike has run into with overseas factories, but the focus of the book is centered around the brand's genesis. "Those from the early days at Nike were part of, and contributed to, an industry going through a revol...
Phil Knight Mark Parker Nike Dunk Low Pro SB Nike的总部设于波特兰的Oregon,是因为Phil是根生土长的俄勒冈人,毕业于俄勒冈大学,他是中距离跑的好手,对运动有浓厚兴趣。完成进修以后Phil开始环由世界增广见闻,在日本大坂一站遇到了改变他一生的分水岭,Phil对Onitsuka Tiger的高质素低成本球鞋留下了深刻的印象,灵...
由Phil Knight设计,从未公开发售过的Nike旅行箱 该款旅行箱在20世纪80年代由Nike创始人Phil Knight设计并发放给Nike高层管理人员,有黑色、棕色两款,图片中来自IG账号shoezeum的箱子由于拍摄需求出现在了电影...
Phil Knight is Chairman Emeritus of NIKE, Inc. Mr. Knight is a co-founder of the company, leading Nike from a small partnership founded on a handshake to the world’s largest footwear, apparel and equipment company. Mr. Knight served as Nike’s President from 1968 to 1990, and from ...
美国运动服饰巨头 Nike(耐克)的联合创始人、前CEO Phil Knight(菲尔·奈特)曾于2016年向美国俄勒冈大学(University of Oregon)捐款5亿美元,现在他和妻子 Penny 又向该校捐赠了5亿美元,用于以他们名字命名的创新科研园区的二期建设。俄勒冈大学是 Phil Knight 的母校。作为校田径队的一名运动员,Phil Knight 和...
Pages: 386 | Final verdict: Great-read | Where did the biggest athletics company in the world start? Shoe Dog tells the story of Nike, by Phil Knight.
“Nike”差一点就不叫“Nike”。 Knight本来给他起的名字是 Dimension Six,他的小伙伴们还想出了 Falcon, Bengal, Condor 这些动物名字,在马上就要提交名字的时候才有人提出 Nike,这个希腊神话中胜利女神的名字。 纠结很久后,Knight 选了 Nike。理由是那个时候的明星品牌名字一般最多就两个音节,名字中一般都有“...