Duck Dynastywas centered on the lives of Willie, Si, Phil and Jase Robertson, but their respective children and grandchildren became breakout stars, too. Here is what each of the Dynasty children have been up to since the A&E reality show ended in 2017. There are marriages, career achieveme...
Earlier this week, Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson recently found out that he fathered a child from a past affair, who is named Phyliss. As fans of the famous family know, the patriarch and his longtime wife Kay Robertson are parents to four kids (who are all adults...
On Tuesday, Angel Studios will be releasing The Blind about the life of Duck Dynasty's Phil and Kay Robertson Nov. 26.
Earlier this week, Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson recently found out that he fathered a child from a past affair, who is named Phyliss. As fans of the famous family know, the patriarch and his longtime wife Kay Robertson are parents to four kids (who are all adults):...