FelixFL software on the Fluorolog-QM modular research spectrofluorometer incorporates a quantum yield calculator which, when coupled with an integrating sphere, allows you to calculate the quantum yield with ease. 留言諮詢 如您有任何疑問,请在此留下詳細需求或問題,我們將竭誠您服務。
FelixFL software on the Fluorolog-QM modular research spectrofluorometer incorporates a quantum yield calculator which, when coupled with an integrating sphere, allows you to calculate the quantum yield with ease.Image Credit: Horiba Scientific
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●Conversion:Magnetic fluxΦin nWb ● (per meter track width) toflux level in dB Tape Operating Levels (dB) - Tape Alignment Levels (dB) Nanoweber per meter (nWb/m) = picoweber per millimeter (pWb/mm) Magnetic flux - most often denoted asΦm. The SI unit of magnetic flux ...