Phi Theta Kappa希腊语,根据性质,文翻译"两年制大学优等生荣誉联合会",由Missouri与1918年美国建立,总部美国密西西比杰克逊.Phi Theta Kappa致力于鼓励和承认两年制大学之间学业成绩互认和提供机会丰富奖学金计划.今天,组织美国高等教育组织大荣誉社团,美国,加拿大,德国超过50地区有超过百三十万成员.组织成员...
Phi Theta Kappa是希腊语,根据它的性质,中文可以翻译为"两年制大学的优等生荣誉联合会",它是由Missouri与1918年在美国建立的,总部在美国密西西比杰克逊.Phi Theta Kappa致力于鼓励和承认两年制大学之间的学业成绩互认和提供机会丰富的奖学金计划.今天,这个组织在美国高等教育组织中是最大的荣誉社团,在美国...
Alleged Fraudulent Letters of Recommendation: Compounding the member invitation issue, Phi Theta Kappa issues letters of recommendation on behalf of its members, with CEO Lynn Tincher-Ladner's signature, claiming that the PTK member is in the top 10% at their school—without any basis. This dece...
WELCOME TO THE HOME OF THE PHI KAPPA THETA BROTHERHOOD Phi WHO? “ We are a diverse group of like-minded individuals, who want to make the most of our college experience. Phi Who helps boys become men, with the mission to breed leaders, who passionately serve society, Fraternity, and ...
Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta (and its former names) who were active any time from 1938 up to and including the newest Alumni. It is meant to facilitate reconnecting with other Brothers and fondly enjoying the memories of those active days as well as being kept informed of current day ...
网络荣誉学生协会成员;优等生荣誉联合会 网络释义
PTK 主要是CC转学生用来转学的一个加分项和工具。有一些可利用的资源,比如奖学金和活动。你直接点进去...
姜姜二月初日常🧩 #喜提PHITHETAKAPPA荣誉membership金奖牌 以后可能有奖学金了(如果keep4.0 GPA的话) #和Juliana在一起的愉快改语法时光 #我以前学托福这么认真的吗 #开学觉得很扑街legal research&writing没想...
The purpose of Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at College shall be the promotion of scholarship, the development of leadership and service and the cultivation of fellowship among qualified students of this college.Types of membership in Chapter shall consist of member, provisional member, alumni member,...