Lambda Phi Epsilon (ΛΦΕ) is the world's largest Asian-interest fraternity. The organization has been developing "Leaders Among Men" since 1981.
Over one hundred members have registered at Phi Lambda Epsilon dot Com and nearly7,0008,000 hits since January 1, 2003. We aim to please by serving our brothers well. Our motto:"The Website is free and worth every cent you pay for it."Brothers registering with the PLE Website recently...
ΛΦΕ is the premiere Asian Pacific American fraternity at Washington State University. Brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon are leaders among men.
LPELambda Phi Epsilon(fraternity) LPELicensed Psychological Examiner LPELayout Parameter Extraction(semiconductor circuit design and simulation) LPELymphocytic-Plasmacytic Enteritis LPELast Physical Examination(medical history) LPELong Period Event(earthquakes) ...
Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. grieves with the families of the victims of a recent surge of anti-Asian hate crimes. These members of our community include: Vicha Ratanapakdee, an 84-year-old Thai man in San Francisco, CA, who was shoved to the ground and died later of...
I am honored to serve as the 21st Chapter President of Delta Epsilon Lambda (DEL). For the past 77 years, DEL has been a pillar in the Metro East St. Louis area. We will continue to lead this effort “To Impact Lives For a Community to Thrive” within the Metro East. ...
(psi,phi,epsilon,lambda)-Contraction theorems in probabilistic metric;spaces for single valued caseprobabilistic metric spacescontractionfixed-pointIn this article, we prove some fixed-point theorems for -contraction in probabilistic metric spaces for single valued case. We will generalize the definition ...
ΛΦΕ. Lambda Phi Epsilon is the University of Washington's first and the world's largest Asian American interest fraternity.
Periodic points of multi-valued $\\varepsilon$-contractive maps Let $(X,d)$ be a nonempty metric space, and let $(2^{X},H_{d})$ be the hyperspace of all nonempty compact subsets of $X$ with the Hausdorff metric. Let $F\\\colon Xightarrow 2^{X}$ be an $\\\varepsilon$-cont...