八.Phi Kappa Phi Student Recognition Awards 成立于1897年的Phi Kappa Phi是美国历史上最悠久的跨学科学校的荣誉协会之一。超过30000名会员和300所学校参与其中。USC Phi Kappa Phi分部每年都会推荐选举出最具创造性以及获得学术成就的本科生与研究生加入Phi Kappa Phi协会。 2018年南加大Phi Kappa Phi获得者是 Nik...
Gamma Phi Beta has a unique claim to fame: the word "sorority" was coined to describe the organization. But whether you prefer to call it a sorority or a ...
Gamma Phi Beta has a unique claim to fame: the word "sorority" was coined to describe the organization. But whether you prefer to call it a sorority or a ...
Gamma Phi Beta has a unique claim to fame: the word "sorority" was coined to describe the organization. But whether you prefer to call it a sorority or a ...