phi beta kappa 美国大学优秀生全国性荣誉组织英语例句库 the star Phi Eridani. 波江座φ星。 Each year, the education goup group Phi Delta Kappa and the Gallup organization gather opinions about American public schools. 每年,教育组织费黛奥塔·卡朋和盖洛普组织收集关于美国公立学校的意见。 声明:以上例句...
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\begin{aligned} d{\nu _{\beta ,N}}(\phi ) \propto \exp \Big ( - \int _{{\mathbb {T}}_N}{\mathcal {V}}_\beta (\phi (x)) + \frac{1}{2} |\nabla \phi (x)|^2 dx \Big )\prod _{x\in {\mathbb {T}}_N}d\phi (x) \end{aligned} (1.1) in the infinite vol...
with normalization constant\(\mathscr {Z}_\gamma := \sum _{\sigma \in \Sigma _N} \exp \big ( - \beta \mathscr {H}_\gamma (\sigma ) \big )\). Since we consider the Ising-Kac model in a finite volume, the sum is finite and\(\mathscr {Z}_\gamma \)is always well-defined....