"The requirements have to do with the courses you take, not necessarily the major that you have," Lawrence says. He notes that, while it may be challenging to fulfill the requirements of Phi Beta Kappa while pursuing a college major in an applied or skills-oriented field like engineering, ...
首先,Phi Beta Kappa只针对文理学科的学生。第二,学生是被邀请加入的。也就是说,你不能自己申请。Phi Beta Kappa是希腊语Philosophia Biou Kybernetes,意思是"Love of wisdom [is] the guide of life"。加入的条件除了非常高的GPA外还有其它因素...
Phi Beta Kappa大学优秀生联谊会(源于希腊文“哲学为人生指导”)美国大学优等生荣誉学会;荣誉组织;斐陶斐荣誉学会。斐陶斐励学会,也称斐陶斐荣誉学会(The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society),是民国时期最重要的学术团体之一。斐陶斐即希腊字母 Phi Tau Phi之音译,用以代表哲学(Philosophia)、工学...
The meaning of PHI BETA KAPPA is a person winning high scholastic distinction in an American college or university and being elected to membership in a national honor society founded in 1776. How to use Phi Beta Kappa in a sentence.
Phi Beta Kappa 美[ˌfaɪ ˌbeɪtə ˈkæpə] 英[ˌfaɪ ˌbiːtə ˈkæpə] un.大学优秀生联谊会(源于希腊文“哲学为人生指导”) 网络优等生荣誉学会;优等生协会;性荣誉组织 复数:Phi Beta Kappas 英汉 英英 ...
在2024年11月11日,达特茅斯学院隆重举行了Phi Beta Kappa荣誉学会的入会仪式,庆祝30名来自2024届的优秀学生被正式接纳为新成员。这场盛典在Moore Hall举行,吸引了众多师生和家长的参与,现场氛围热烈而庄重。 仪式由Phi Beta Kappa章的会长安德鲁·萨姆威克教授主持,他是一位经济学教授,带领新成员们宣誓,承诺遵循该学...
https://undergrad.stanford.edu/opportunities-research/awards-and-graduation-honors/phi-beta-kappa 原来是一种全国性的精英教育奖励,并且跟住宿制书院机制相联系,这就跟剑桥大学的英式住宿制书院(college)形成区别。其特征是: Approximately a tenth of the members of a graduating class are elected to Phi Beta...
Phi Beta Kappa (fī) n. 1.An honorary society, founded in 1776, of college students and graduates whose members are chosen on the basis of high academic standing. 2.A member of this society. [From the initials of the society's motto in Greekphilosophiā biou kubernētēs,philosophy the gui...
斐陶斐荣誉学会(Honor Society Phi Beta Kappa)你手上可能有一张优秀学生名单,名单里都是具有优异成就表现与优秀成绩的学生,或许你的名字也在名单里。在大学阶段,这些学生就可以添加斐陶斐荣誉学会,这是美国最负盛名的荣誉学会。斐陶斐荣誉学会是由威廉及玛丽学院创立于1776年12月5日。要成为该组织的...