Dunbar, KathleenVojnosanitetski Pregled Military Medical & Pharmaceutical JournDunbar, K. (1999) `For Sale: One Phi Beta Kappa Key (a working-class woman's experience of academia)'. In Transformations, 10 (2) pp.30-41
SeePhi Beta Kappain the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary Check pronunciation:Phi Beta Kappa 我们重视您的隐私 我們及我們的787合作夥伴會在您的裝置上儲存和存取個人資料,例如瀏覽資料或唯一識別碼。選擇「接受」將啟用追蹤技術,以支持「我們及合作夥伴處理資料以提供」部分所載的之目的;而選擇「全部拒絕」或撤...
Mechanism in thought and morals: An address delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, June 29, 1870. For Sale: One Phi Beta Kappa Key (A Working-Class Woman's Experience of Academe) Phi Beta Kappa: The Invention of an Academic Tradition ...
Phi Beta Kappa大学优秀生联谊会(源于希腊文“哲学为人生指导”)美国大学优等生荣誉学会;荣誉组织;斐陶斐荣誉学会。斐陶斐励学会,也称斐陶斐荣誉学会(The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society),是民国时期最重要的学术团体之一。斐陶斐即希腊字母 Phi Tau Phi之音译,用以代表哲学(Philosophia)、工学...
1234 The Beta Phi Chapter Since 1952, we have developed more than 1,000+ Men of Character, intoMEN OF DISTINCTION The vision of Phi Kappa Tau is to be recognized as a leadership organization that binds men together and challenges them to improve their campuses and the world. Since 1952 Phi...
Phi Beta Kappa这些是三个希腊字母ρ,β,γ的音读,Phi Beta Kappa是美国的一个荣誉团体的名称。该团体的格言是“哲学是人生的导引”,此格言由三个希腊词组成,每个词的第一个字母分别是Phi Beta Kappa,凡在大学学习成绩非常优异的,被选入该团体作为成员 ...
Phi Beta Kappa 意思是: 优等生荣誉学会; 本科荣誉学会,1776年,源自希腊语philosophia biou kybernētēs的首字母缩写,意为“生命的指南,哲学”。
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“Key into Public Service” highlights the wide range of career opportunities for liberal arts and sciences majors in local, state, or federal government. A cohort of 20 Service Scholars from across the nation, majoring in liberal arts and sciences disciplines will each receive a $5,000 ...
Phi Beta Kappa的入会过程是基于邀请的。 各个分会会定期审查符合条件的学生,并向他们发出入会邀请,这一过程通常在学生即将完成本科学位时进行,确保候选人已经满足了所有学术和道德标准。 成为Phi Beta Kappa的成员通常需要支付一次性的入会费,这笔费用用于支持学会的运营和活动,包括奖学金、讲座和其他学术资源,一旦...