PHH names new president for its mortgage unit.(PHH Mortgage Services, Terance W. Edwards)(Brief Article)Ratner, Juliana
The court concluded that RESPA permits captive reinsurance arrangements so long as the amount paid by the mortgage insurer does not exceed a reasonable market value of the reinsurance. Second, the court held that Director Cordray retroactively applied a new interpretation of RESPA that had never ...
Citizens of Mich. to Downsize by 60.(contract for mortgage services between PHH Corp and Citizens Republic Bancorp Inc. )(Brief article)Dobbs, Kevin
, "Cannot talk to customer services", "find a different lender", "PHH mortgage services are more than fair and easy to work with. They will help you in any way that they can to keep your home. If you are considering a mortgage loan I would recommend them to anyone.They are always ...
AFL-CIO drops PHH as mortgage originator.(PHH Mortgage Services)(Brief Article)Ratner, Juliana
Fishing upstream. (PHH Mortgage Services marketing strategy)Dezube, Dona