PHET Interactive Simulations是一个由美国科罗拉多大学开发的免费科学教育平台,通过可视化互动模拟实验帮助用户理解物理、化学、数学等学科的核心原理。其特色在于将抽象概念转化为动态操作场景,适用于课堂教学、自主学习及实验补充等场景。 1. 核心功能与学科覆盖 平台提供超过200个互动模拟实验,...
can be introduced in the chapters of the principle of chemical reaction, basic material structure, and four equilibrium and titration, to assist the teaching. For teachers, PhET interactive simulations platform is a very good teaching assistant tool; For students, the PhET interactive simulations ...
"Membrane Channels" is an educational simulation in HTML5, by PhET Interactive Simulations. decafPublic PhET Java Simulations converted to HTML5 using CheerpJ HTML10760UpdatedMar 26, 2025 models-of-the-hydrogen-atomPublic "Models of the Hydrogen Atom" is an educational simulation in HTML5, by PhE...
PhET Interactive Simulations are the brainchild of Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman. In 2022, Wieman started PhET as a method to improve the way students learn science. Using money from a grant and his own Nobel prize money, Wieman developed PhET as a non-profit project at the University ...
A collection of fun, interactive, research-based simulations for science and math instruction in Grades K-12 and university, developed by PhET Interactive Simulations at University of Colorado Boulder ( All simulations are based on the results of education research and te...
Phet Simulations提供网页版工具,您可以直接访问Phet中文版官网,无需下载即可使用。在网站上,点击“仿真程序”,选择对应的学科和实验,即可进行在线调试与演示。 苹果iOS(iPad) 如果您使用的是苹果iPad,可以在App Store中搜索“PhET Interactive Simulations”,找到应用后下载并安装。安装完成后,您可以离线或在线使用Phet ...
Over more than a decade, the PhET Interactive Simulations project has created a suite of interactive simulations (sims) that support learning of science and mathematics content through exploration and discovery. Here we describe the state of the art in interactive science simulations, historical ...
PhETInteractiveSimulations:Newtoolsforteaching andlearningchemistry KatherinePerkins,KellyLancaster,PatriciaLoeblein,RobertParson,andNoahPodolefsky UniversityofColoradoatBoulder TheChemistryEducationResearchcommunityhaslongrecognizedthepowerofanimationsand visualizationsintheteachingandlearningofchemistry(e.g.JonesandSmith,...
在今年公布的六个获奖项目中,包括了由2001年诺贝尔物理学奖得主卡尔·威曼(Carl Wieman)教授所发起的PhET互动仿真程序(PhET Interactive Simulations)。PhET(Physics Education Technology) 最初是一个物理教育技术计划,随着计划的不断发展,越来越多学科互动仿真程序的出现,如今...
A Distributed Memory Hierarchy and Data Management for Interactive Scene Navigation and dynamic interactive educational diabetes simulations using the world wide web an experience of more than 15 years with aida online CRYSTAL SETS TO SIDEBAND - A GUIDE TO BUILDING YOUR OWN AMATEUR RADIO STATION monte...