Not all of the simulations have sound. Please try the John Travoltage simulation which should have sound. If sound is still not working, please contact us at -- we are happy to help solve your issue! bilingblingbling,2020/01/08 ...
Free, fun, interactive simulations for science and math instruction. A collection of fun, interactive, research-based simulations for science and math instruction in Grades K-12 and university, developed by PhET Interactive Simulations at University of Colorado Boulder ( ...
Positive charges will collect at the top of the bar and negative charges at the bottom, creating a difference in potential (emf) and conventional current will flow clockwise in the loop (through the resistor). This work, W=Fd, is done by the magnetic force, Once the positive charges arr...
Please try the John Travoltage simulation which should have sound. If sound is still not working, please contact us at -- we are happy to help solve your issue! mehr bilingblingbling , 08.01.2020 和网络版相比少了二十几个 希望更新下吧,总体还可以。 暖暖10086 , ...
0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 论文--毕业论文 文档标签: 模拟PhETphetPhet 系统标签: phetwavelengthwavetensionpulse模拟 1. Open the simulation at (http:\/\/\/simulations\/string...
PhET is a set of interactive, research-based science and mathematics online simulations ( Purpose: The purpose was to investigate secondary school students' perceptions of the simulation-based learning system and how it supported their cognitive processing of chemistry ...
PhET互动式仿真模拟实验软件(下文简称为PhET)来源于美国科罗拉多大学的PhET计划(Physics Education Technology project),即物理教育科技计划的简称,该计划通过建立互动式仿真模拟实验科学网站(,提供物理、化学、生物、数学及地球科学等模拟实验,所有软件经严格测试和评估后发布,供教师示范、学生作...
Joist is the main framework for PhET Interactive Simulations. Joist creates and displays the simulation content, home screen, navigation bar, About dialog, enables switching between screens, and other framework-related features. By PhET Interactive Simulations ...
中学生物学虚拟仿真实验 —-以P h E T辅助下“自然选择”教学为例 文I余海峰李德红 摘要:利用虚拟仿真平台直观化、游戏化、受众广、重探究的特点,可开展基于研究设计的、开放的生物学实验 教学。教师应用虚拟仿真平台,根据需要灵活选择资源和工具,修改、设置变量参数,生成互动教学所需 的新资源,通过问题串的...
By PhET Interactive Simulations Documentation The PhET Development Overview is the most complete guide to PhET Simulation Development. This guide includes how to obtain simulation code and its dependencies, notes about architecture & design, how to test and build the sims...