In 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)bannedFastin, Fastin-XR, and several other products produced by Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals when it discovered the supplements contained Dimethylamylamine HCl (DMAA). DMAA is an illegal food additive that’s unsafe for human consumption. Hi Tech Ph...
Eluents: A=1 M HCl+3% KCl in water; B=0.5 M Na2CO3in water–methanol (30%); C=1 M CH3COOH+1 M HCl in water–methanol (40%); D=1 M NH4NO3in water; E=4 M HCl; F=0.2 M acetate buffer. b OPTI-UP C12plates (Antec). ...
Bymaja— On Jul 30, 2014 Can you help me? What is the difference between Phenylethylamine and Phenylethylamine HCL? I've read that it is used for wight loss (it is the main ingredient in PhenObestin - a weight-losss supplement) and I am curious to know whether it really works. ...