acid–base indicator Phenolphthalein is another weak organic acid. It is not particularly water soluble, so we generally dissolve it in aqueous ethanol. The ethanol explains the pleasant, sweet smell of phenolphthalein solutions. Phenolphthalein is colourless and clear in acidic solutions, but imparts...
Noun1.phenolphthalein- a laxative used in many preparations under various trade names; also used as an acid-base indicator in titrations involving weak acids and strong bases because it is brilliant red at high alkalinity and colorless below pH 8 ...
<p><strong>Step-by-Step Solution:</strong></p><p>1. <strong>Understanding Phenolphthalein</strong>: - Phenolphthalein is an acid-base indicator that changes color based on the pH of the solution. It is colorless in acidic solutions and turns pink in
(e)Phenolphthalein is an indicator and is represented by the formul a HIn.Phenolphthalein, HIn, is a weak acid.HInH++ In The K value for phenolphthalein is 5.0 × 10-10moldm-3 at 298 K. This indicator changes colour at a pH of approximately 8.8.[In-]Calculate the ratio n at pH ...
Besides lights and acid/base controllable colour change and fluorescence-changing, altering phase states could also tune their colours via different temperature, which is rare performance for diarylethene derivatives. Especially, the photocylization ratio is as high as 100% for compound 2o bearing two...
Answer to: Phenolphthalein has a pKa of 9.7 and is colorless in its acid form and pink in its basic form. For pH= 4.7 calculate [In-]/[HIn]. By...
Phenolphthalein is an indicator that changes colour to pink/purple between pH 8 to 10, however, neutralization occurs when pH = 7. Why can phenolphthalein still be used as the indicator during a stronIndicators are widely used in acid-base titrations...
Noun1.phenolphthalein- alaxativeusedinmanypreparationsundervarioustradenames;alsousedas anacid-baseindicatorintitrationsinvolvingweakacidsandstrongbasesbecauseit isbrilliantredathighalkalinityandcolorlessbelowpH 8 laxative- amildcathartic acid-base indicator- anindicatorthatchangescolorongoingfromacidictobasicsolutions...