germaniumoxidative additionXRDelectron paramagnetic resonanceTRANSITION-METAL-COMPLEXESREDOX-ACTIVE LIGANDSDYNAMIC PROCESSESREACTIVITYEPRMOLYBDENUMNew bimetallic complexes (Ph)APGe[M(CO)(n)Cp](2) ((Ph)AP is 3,5-di-tert-butyl-N-(phenyl)-o-ami-nophenolate dianion; M = Fe, n = 2 (II); M = ...
To determine why acetic acid is a stronger acid than phenol, we need to analyze the stability of the anions formed when each compound donates a proton (H⁺) in an aqueous solution.1. Identify the Compounds: - Acetic acid
and −0.47, respectively (Fig. 2b); the magnitudes of these values are significantly smaller than 1. These fractional charges imply thatII-1cannot be described as either of the two extreme resonance structures depicted inFig. 2b; instead, the real state ofo-QM should lie somewhere in ...
Resonance-Assisted Hydrogen Bonding as a Driving Force in Synthesis and a Synthon in the Design of Materials 2016, Chemistry - A European Journal Anion-dependent self-assembly of near-infrared luminescent 24- and 32-metal Cd-Ln complexes with drum-like architectures 2013, Journal of the American...
The structures of the intermediate show the aminoacrylate group in the complex slightly rotated out of plane with the pyridine ring of the PLP; C3-C4-C4′-N torsion angle is 15°. The complex is stabilized by the same interactions seen before in quinonoid complexes of TPL, with ion-...
Because oftheir high acidity, phenols are often called carbolic acids. The phenol molecule is highly acidic because it has a partial positive charge on the oxygen atom due to resonance, and the anion that is formed by loss of a hydrogen ion is also resonance stabilized. ...
heteronuclearmultiple-bondcorrelation(HMBC)spectroscopyareappliedtodeterminethemolecularstructures. ©2006ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. Keywords:Nuclearmagneticresonancespectroscopy;Demulsifier 1.Introduction Oilisproducedfromreservoirsinassociationwithnatural formationwater.Thismixtureisintheformofoilandwater emulsion...
Electronic and electron spin resonance spectra are reported, and the electronic structures of all members of this electron-transfer series are established.Kokatam SWeyhermuller TBothe EChaudhuri PWieghardt KInorganic Chemistry: A Research Journal that Includes Bioinorganic, Catalytic, Organometallic, Solid...