Phenobarbitone is noted for inducing drug-metabolizing enzymes in liver microsomes thereby reducing its own activity and that of many other drugs. Plasma half-life is 50 to 150 hours in adults, 40 to 70 hours in children, and is increased with liver or renal disease. Monitoring of plasma ...
Phenobarbital is an IV barbiturate-derivative and is cumbersome to use because it leads to hypotension, sedation, and respiratory depression, and has a half-life of about 3 days.63 It also has many drug interactions because it is a strong enzyme inducer (similar to phenytoin). One trial of ...
Phenobarbital has the lowest lipid solubility, lowest plasma binding, lowest brain protein binding, the longest delay in onset of activity, and the longest duration of action in the barbiturate class. Phenobarbital has a plasma half-life of 53 to 118 hours (mean: 79 hours). For children and ...
The plasma half-life is about 75 to 120 hours in adults but is greatly prolonged in neo- nates, and shorter (about 21 to 75 hours) in children. There is considerable interindividual variation in phe- nobarbital kinetics. Monitoring of plasma concentrations has been performed as an aid in ...
Phenobarbital has the lowest lipid solubility, lowest plasma binding, lowest brain protein binding, the longest delay in onset activity, and the longest duration of action. The plasma half-life for phenobarbital in adults ranges between 53 and 118 hours with a mean of 79 hours. The plasma half...
Tablets or elixirs begin to act in about 60 minutes,2 and their duration lasts for10 to 12 hours,3 depending on the dosage and individual metabolism. The plasma half-life of phenobarbital in adults is an average of about 79 hours and 110 hours in children. ...
Phenobarbital has the lowest lipid solubility, lowest plasma binding, lowest brain protein binding, the longest delay in onset of activity, and the longest duration of action. The plasma half-life for phenobarbital in adults ranges between 53 and 118 hours with a mean of 79 hours. The plasma ...
Tablets or elixirs begin to act inabout 60 minutes,2 and their duration lasts for 10 to 12 hours,3 depending on the dosage and individual metabolism. The plasma half-life of phenobarbital in adults is an average of about 79 hours and 110 hours in children. ...
The half-life (t1/2) is 48~144 hours for adults, 40~70 hours for children, and half life (t1/2) for liver and kidney dysfunction. About 65% of the liver is metabolized and converted to phenobarbital, most of which is combined with glucuronic acid or sulfate, and then excreted in ...
proteinsintheblood.Thehalf-life(t1/2)is48~144hoursfor adults,40~70hoursforchildren,andhalflife(t1/2)forliver andkidneydysfunction.About65%oftheliverismetabolized andconvertedtophenobarbital,mostofwhichiscombinedwith glucuronicacidorsulfate,andthenexcretedinthekidneys ...