Dr. Peng Jiang是美国爱荷华大学(University of Iowa)计算机科学系的Assistant Professor,研究项目围绕机器学习模型训练和推理的性能的提升,提高图数据处理性能等。Dr. Jiang的研究在NIPS、PPoPP、PACT等机器学习和并行计算的顶会发表论文20余篇,详情见个人主页:https://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~penjiang/有计算机系...
地址:University of Iowa GPA 累计本科平均分3.0或更高 成绩单 需要评估wes PS文本要求 最多555个字 PS 由于应用程序的这一重要方面使招生委员会能够评估申请人的兴趣是否与教师的兴趣相匹配,因此鼓励申请人在申请之前先审查教师的研究兴趣。 CV文本要求 一到三张纸 CV 请发送最新的简历或者简历 推荐信 2/封 Re...
More programs from the university Bachelor Master PHD The University of Iowa is a major national research university located on a 1,900-acre campus in Iowa City in southeast Iowa, on the Iowa River near the intersection of U.S. Interstate Highways 80 and 380. Iowa is composed of 11 colle...
送分码: 0612 博士课程申请需要GRE测试成绩。 GRE-Subject 化学Chemistry GMAT 送分码: 6021 LAST 申请材料 GPA(4.0)数值要求 1 Transcript 地址:University of Iowa GPA 招生委员会着眼于整体申请,而不只是GPA或GRE成绩等特定领域。 成绩单 录取后需要required_only_ad PS文本要求 1000个单词左右 PS 一份个人陈...
Memberships Personal Statement: Your personal statement should describe your: Reasons for pursuing a PhD Career Goals Reasons for choosing to apply to the University of Iowa Recommendation Letter: Three Letters of Recommendation Your Admissions Profile includes an electronic letter of recommendation feature...
However, the University of Iowa does NOT accept WES evaluated transcripts. Therefore, you MUST send a separate official transcript to University of Iowa Office of International Graduate Admissions. Curriculum Vitae: Upload your resume or CV Personal Statement: Write a personal statement. Please address...
爱荷华大学phd项目并未设定TOEFL/IELTS最低分数要求, 爱荷华大学研究生院要求TOEFL不低于81分,无单项要求;或IELTS不低于7.0分, 单项不低于6.0;如果申请者的TOEFL不满100分,或递交的IELTS成绩(无论分数多高),入学时都必须参 加爱荷华大学组织的英语入学测试。根据该测试结果决定学生是否需要修读语言课程,以及读多久,以...
U of Iowa Iowa大学的机械系流体较为强,其中有两到三个教授专门搞船舶流体力学与海洋水动力,其他还有几个教授搞湍流和多相流。Iowa大学整体声誉也不错,只是不如以上学校和海洋工程那么相关了,所以可以套磁后决定是否申请。这个学校我被录取了,最后没有去。 U of Delaware 德拉华大学综合排位不是特别高,但是他家...
总分:7,口语:7,写作:7 申请材料 Transcript: Official transcripts showing all previous undergraduate and graduate work with grades and degrees. A note for International Students: SOPHAS only accepts WES-evaluated transcripts. However, the University of Iowa does NOT accept WES evaluated transcripts. Ther...