跟你申phd有关的秘书,一般在 department 网站 - people - staff 这栏里。他的头衔可能是 “Graduate Student Coordinator”, 也可能是 “Graduate Secretary”。总之头衔里带有 “Graduate” 或者 “Academic”就差不多是了。要是没那么明显,排除那些不可能的"finance", "research", "market", "safety"等staff,...
To help, I offer three templates you can use to craft your initial email. The key to successfu...
第一轮申请 做第一轮申请的时候,我是University of Michigan-Ann Arbor经济学系的honors student,也在上经济学研究论文写作的课程,当时班上的同学大部分都是想要去了解和申请经济学博士项目的,所以平时大家也都相互督促,分享信息。 经济学博士项目的申请截至日期一般是12月...
做第一轮申请的时候,我是University of Michigan-Ann Arbor经济学系的honors student,也在上经济学研究论文写作的课程,当时班上的同学大部分都是想要去了解和申请经济学博士项目的,所以平时大家也都相互督促,分享信息。 经济学博士项目的申请截至日期一般是12月,很少一部分学校截止日期是1月。所以我是9月份决定要去...
normally used when applying for any kind ofjob. Hence, more emphasis should be on skills and past experience while being tailored to a specific job position. You should also explain why you're a good fit for the position at the given company. It should point the reader to your resume. ...
What were the factors that prompted you to apply to this program? Review your notes on the department. Familiarize yourself with the research agendas of the faculty members, especially the professors you want to work with. Make note of any unique opportunities you would have as a student in ...
Normally, personal statements for college focus on a student’s accomplishments, aims, interests, and inspirations for joining a college program. But a Ph.D personal statement is slightly different. It focuses more on the applicant’s research and potential contribution to the field. ...
Iloradanon Efimoffis a Haida and European Settler from the North West Coast of BC and a 2018 Vanier Scholar. As a Ph.D. student at the University of Manitoba in the Department of Psychology Efimoff focuses on creating anti-racist educational interventions to reduce racism directed towards Indi...
(附件为我的一页resume和硕士第一年成绩单) B.浅谈Econ PhD委员会制录取的套辞 接下来按时间顺序结合我的套辞结果聊聊。 UCL: Do mention me as a possible supervisor on your application! I might get to see it then. 分析:committee制,在套辞信发出时,导师不确定他今年是否在录取委员会内;养鱼回复,没...