2. Write a PhD Resume Objective or Resume Summary Introduce yourself through yourresume profile, or more specifically, a resume objective or summary. It’s a short and sweet paragraph at the top of your PhD industry resume that explains why you’re the person for the job. Think of it as ...
套磁作用很小。对人文社科的学生来说,虽然录取委员会有决定权,但套磁也是必须的,writing sample是一...
在我看来申请PhD的时候,个人陈述以及writing sample的重要性是要远远高于我们的硬性成绩的,因为导师在招收PhD的时候最看重的还是申请者的科研潜力,而这些通过硬性指标是很难加以呈现的,我们也需要想办法通过个人陈述以及writing sample来体现我们对科研的热情以及我们身上的潜力。 另外因为大部分的PhD项目都是有funding的,...
more emphasis should be on skills and past experience while being tailored to a specific job position. You should also explain why you're a good fit for the position at the given company. It should point the reader to your resume.
Interview: Egyptian PhD student hopeful to return to China to resume studies CAIRO, March 22 (Xinhua) -- Mohammed Nagah, an Egyptian information technology research assistant from Cairo, has expressed hope that he could return soon to China where he is pursuing his PhD....
做第一轮申请的时候,我是University of Michigan-Ann Arbor经济学系的honors student,也在上经济学研究论文写作的课程,当时班上的同学大部分都是想要去了解和申请经济学博士项目的,所以平时大家也都相互督促,分享信息。 经济学博士项目的申请截至日期一般是12月,很少一部分...
My name is [你的姓名], and I am currently a [当前学历] student majoring in [专业名称] at [就读学校名称]. I am writing to explore the possibility of pursuing a PhD in [目标专业] under your supervision at [目标学校名称]. I was introduced to your influential work in [具体研究领域] th...
7. Resume Outline your education, research experience, work experience, publications in academic journals, prizes and honours received, and any other extracurricular activities. Other important aspects of your application for a PhD programme: Finding a supervisor ...
youmightincludelessdetailaboutyourresearchexperience,butincludemoreinformationaboutinvolvementwith student groups, volunteer work, or internships that may have allowed you to develop these skills. A friend of mine, who is in business school, told me I need to have a one page resume. Is that tr...
What were the factors that prompted you to apply to this program? Review your notes on the department. Familiarize yourself with the research agendas of the faculty members, especially the professors you want to work with. Make note of any unique opportunities you would have as a student in ...