于是我屁颠屁颠地坐着同去的美国同学的车,来到了DC这个七年后我生活工作的城市,在capital hill上做lobby,挨家的去找senator要求取消研究生stipend的征税。 在中国,要见个领导有多难,在美国,我第一天上学就见到了校长,去趟国会山,...
住在Hyde park附近,三个phd合租,大概每个月基本花销刚刚覆盖,酷爱打游戏和买香水,略微父母支持一点。
之前和Dennis有合作但不是main advisor的学生也有place到UPenn Wharton Marketing和Imperial College OM做AP的track record。 招生人数:大概率会发4-5个offer,in expectation 2个人左右join。 Stipend:23 Fall入学的同学是USD 40K/year,在St. Louis生活毫无压力。 Pros and Cons 华丽的分割线后,分享一下我(个人主观...
与西北大学老师的面试也非常愉快,得知西北这两年在扩招,学生由往年的三四个扩招到七八个,希望对西北大学感兴趣的高材生们快去看看。 另外西北是我拿到offer的所有统计项目里面最慷慨的,stipend每年是给得最多的,而且不要求做额外的TAship。 UIUC的老师也都非常好,有一位Prof. Han Liu是统计系和计算机系的joint prof...
Full funding: Tuition aid, assistantship salary, and fellowship stipend (for 5 years). Other support: Grants, travel fellowships, and emergency funds. Location:Stanford, California Stanford Universitytops the listof the best universities for Education Policy Studies, making this one of the best opti...
Courses: Cellular neurobiology, methods in computational neuroscience, and behavioral neuroscience. Duration: 5 years plus Delivery: On-campus Tuition: $19,035 per quarter Financial aid: Grants, fellowships, awards, stipends, and research assistantships. Acceptance rate: 7.3% Location: Chicago, Illino...
3.11 收到了Stanford Graduate Fellow,难以相信...应该是全校每年~100个 学校给四年的funding自由做research,最主要每个月stipend因为tax-free会多了800刀lol,有点打算接offer了 2.10 Princeton CS offer, 也算是集齐HYPSM了... 2.6 Stanford CS offer (decline UCLA interview) 2.4 Cornell CS offer (然后decline...
有的学校PhD入学即确定导师,有的则第一年rotate (在不同lab尝试,博二时再双向选择),已知rotate的学校有Stanford, UT Austin (非强制性,有的入学即确定), EPFL (同样非强制性,大多数学生做第一个project的组就会是最终的组) UofT...
Postdoc Positions at University of Massachusetts (UMass Amherst) in USA In this post, we have listed the available postdoctoral positions at the University of Massachusetts Umass Amherst in the USA. Increasing PhD Stipend 2023-2024 in UK Discover key changes to UK PhD stipends for 2023-2024...
In reflection seismology getting a PhD at Stanford, UT Austin or Colorado School of Mines typically takes 4-6 years of work living on whatever the student stipend is. It's much higher at Stanford than at Austin or Mines because of the cost of living in Palo Alto. The supervisor is ...