其实它和言语语言病理学(Speech-Language Pathology)有关。这个专业对大多数人来说可能有点陌生,甚至一些语言学专业的学生也不太了解。它是一门结合了医学、社会科学和心理学的交叉学科。主要任务是诊断和治疗成人和儿童的各种语言、发音、吞咽以及其他沟通障碍。🧭 未来的就业方向 这个领域的就业方向非常广泛,涉及到...
课程修习 学位 学士或者硕士 专业 工作经验 项目信息 时长 学费 $1000 每点学费(学分):$ 2,082 截止日期 2021-06-01Unofficial Rolling 标准考试 TOEFL & IELTS TOEFL--总分30--听力21--阅读36--口语6--写作30 IELTS--总分9--听力12--阅读3--口语9--写作18 TOEFL 送分码: 3161 人文科学研究科要求笔...
语言病理学与听力学-博士PhD PhD in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 基本信息 学位类型: 博士 开学时间: 秋季 申请截止日期: 1月15日 申请要求 托福: 总分:80,口语:80,写作:80 雅思: 总分:6,口语:6,写作:6 GPA: 3.5 申请材料 Transcript: Have official copies of transcripts of ALL previous und...
speech-language pathologysurveyMasters-level speech-language pathologists in communication sciences and disorders (n = 122) completed a survey soliciting their reasons for not pursuing doctoral study. Factor analysis revealed a four-factor solution including one reflecting a lack of interest in doctoral ...
I am both excited and privileged to be applying to ODU’s speech-language pathology master’s program. My journey to this point has been challenging at times. However‚ each obstacle has been preparation for me to have a successful career in this profession. My life experiences as well as...
Speech and Language Pathology Geriatric Medicine Sports and Exercise Medicine Pediatric Medicine Podiatric Medicine Dermatological Medicine Disability Studies Recommended Promoted American International Theism University Doctor of Psychology in Grief Counselling Englewood, USA PhD Full time, Part time 1 year ...
There are also alternative online PhD programs with different applications, such as a TESOL PhD for those who would like to be involved in teaching English to non-English speakers or a Speech-Language Pathology EdD degree that prepares you to work in a supervisory position in the speech therapy...
Dr. Glenis Benson is a world-renowned Autism Spectrum Conditions consultant who takes a kinder, gentler approach that embraces individuals with ASCs so they know they are valued and loved. Throughout her career, whether in autism spectrum condition consulting, speech language pathology or education...
before making changes to certain vaccine programs. “If confirmed, he [Kennedy] will maintain the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices without change,” Cassidysaid in a speech on the Senate floor supporting Kennedy’s HHS nominationearlier this ...
Speech-Language Pathology (CScD) Criminology (D.Crim.) Economics (DEc) Health Science (D.H.S./D.H.Sci) Library Science (D.L.S.) Molecular Biology (Phd Mol Biol) Occupational Safety and Health (D.O.S.H.) Physics (Ph.D. Physics) ALL PhD Career Guides Valuable Resources Best Laptops...