The overleaf template for scribing the lecture notes of this course can be found here.If you have any feedback on this course, please directly contact Philip at and we will try our best to address it.Brief ScheduleSubject...
PhD workshop submissions must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, using the PhD Workshop Track on CMT: Submissions must be single-author but must specify any supervisors with "supervised by" below the author's name on the paper. Papers a...
Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor 善用template搜索功能,cv、ps和cover letter都有很好的模板。James Milne ...
一般我会推荐用latex(overleaf网站就很不错)。基本上有数理背景的,找一个PhD 申请的CV template,搞搞应该不是特别难。在这里我给一个github repo作为例子,大家可以参考一下。如果实在是用不明白latex,用word也不是不行。不要放照片、不要写性别年龄国籍、不要写什么家庭地址,统统不需要,写邮箱就行,充其量加一个...
The overleaf template for scribing the lecture notes of this course can be found here.If you have any feedback on this course, please directly contact Philip at and we will try our best to address it.Brief ScheduleSubject...