The university consistently ranks as one of Canada’s top destinations for international students due to the many funding opportunities available. Among the scholarships offered is theGraduate Entrance Scholarship, available to all students enrolled in a master’s or doctoral programme. Recipients of the...
方法一谷歌关键词“funding research +国家名”,比如英国的就是 “funding research uk”。以下是搜索结果图3.1.1 谷歌搜索“Funding research UK”结果-按科目分类(链接附在文章结尾)方法二 如果有心仪学校,通常搜学校名字+phd funding/scholarship就可以搜到学校的funding search tool。图3.1.2 学校名字+funding搜索...
We’ve been helping students find and compare PhD research projects and programmes for over 15 years. As well as listing doctoral opportunities and scholarships, we also provide a wide range ofadviceon postgraduate research andfunding. Our study guides will help youfind the right PhDand explain ...
申请一系列的funding programs,比如IDEA League Scholarship: Applied Geophysics,Advanced Research Opportunities Program (AROP),Erasmus+ Internship Support。 另外,除了大学之外,德国还有几个非常著名的研究所系统。比如:马普所(Max Planck Institute, MPI)。类似于以前的中科院,基本集中在基础研究领域,例如有名的Max Pla...
• What was your favorite technique that you used in your undergraduate research? • What was the biggest challenge you encountered in your undergraduate research, and how did you deal with it? • How is your work distinct from your supervisor’s/principal investigator’s?
Educational and research opportunities for the successful applicant: training in state-of-the-art molecular simulation and machine learning techniques; access to a range of computational facilities, including ARCHER2, the UK’s... Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) Scholarships - DTP with Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology, CAS (CNITECH) - DTP with Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS (IGSNRR) ...
Why do you want to do a PhD in this area (my area is in quant psych)—I am more interested in methodologies and statistics than substantive topics; this is an area full of opportunities for growth; I love coding; great job prospects; What are your research interests—I gave a very gen...
2. Failing to work under a professor, research, publish, and/or read the literature in your ...
Need to access a unique archive in another country? Or collect data at a foreign research centre? An Erasmus+ PhD placement could help you do that. So, not only will you be increasing your career opportunities and personal development, your PhD will have an innovative edge that other students...