Program overview Main Subject Psychology Degree PhD Study Level PHD We offer a range of projects within the research area of Psychology. All of our postgraduate research students attend the Doctoral Academy Training Programme delivered by the Centre for Academic and Researcher Development (CARD)....
大四的时候我决定申请I/O Psychology的PhD项目,于是开始新一轮选校,这一次有我本科时的advisor从旁指导,基本上一周就定下了学校和目标导师名单。 在博士申请选校过程中,我们首先根据Society of Industrial Organization Psychology官网和US NEWS近五年的各校专业排名、以及我的advisor自己的对该专业的了解列出了top 30...
Psychology (Research) Manchester Campus, Manchester , United Kingdom Request More DetailsShortlist 15,000 GBPTuition Fee/year PsychologyMain Subject Area Program overview Main Subject Psychology Degree PhD Study Level PHD We are home to the Applied Psychology and Behaviour research group, which blends...
除此之外,我还拿到了埃默里大学(Emory)的Psychology Graduate Program Virtual Recruitment 的online meeting的机会,但是因为接了USC的offer,我decline掉了后续申请,后面和之后的面试经验贴会详细说明。 总的来说,我的背景并不算出色,普通双非一本,加上均分78,3.0左右的GPA,有挂科经历,托福分数79分,无connection,无GR...
Courses include: History & systems of psychology, psychopathology & development, and foundations of school psychology. Duration: 4-7 years Tuition: $479.32 per credit Financial aid: Scholarships, fellowships, assistantships, grants, work-study, and loans. Delivery: On-campus Acceptance rate: 37% ...
像SPSP(Society for Personality and Social Psychology)、APA等等各种Conference都会给本科生提供一些机会去做研究项目,以及辅导他们申请博士或者硕士。SPSP的项目名字叫Social- personality undergraduate Research program(SPUR),可以去了解一下。第三,我们也可以联系海外的老师,比如说找一些暑期研究,去海投,找一找海外...
List of Shortest Ph.D. Programs Online and On-campus Franklin University– online Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), 58 credit hours, transfer up to 24 hours of previously earned credit, 36 months + 1 year for dissertation Walden University– online Ph.D. in Forensic Psychology, up to...
PhD in Psychology 基本信息 学位类型: 博士 开学时间: 秋季 申请截止日期: 12月1日 费用信息 申请费: 75美元 申请要求 托福: 总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思: 总分:7,口语:7,写作:7 GRE: 310 GPA: 3.5 申请材料 Transcript: Applicants must list and upload unofficial transcripts of all post-high ...
Pharmacology / Toxicology Physical Geography and Geoecology Political Ponerology Psychology & Psychiatry Public Health & Epidemiology Public Policy Social Psychology Social and Political Thought Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine Urban Studies
学位要求:Bachelor 专业要求:An undergraduate major in psychology is desirable but not required. 申请链接: 招生电话:202-336-5979 招生邮箱 邮寄地址:USPS Mailing address: Marquette University Graduate School, Holthusen Hall, 305, PO...