加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),简称“伯克利”(Berkeley),坐落美国加利福尼亚州伯克利市,是公立研究型大学,被誉为“公立常春藤”,是美国大学协会成员,全球大学校长论坛成员,入选英国政府“高潜力人才签证计划...
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, SocialPsychology, Professor Barbara Fredrickson3、University o...
PhD in Psychology 基本信息 学位类型: 博士 开学时间: 秋季 申请截止日期: 11月26日 费用信息 申请费: 125美元 申请要求 托福: 总分:90,口语:90,写作:90 雅思: 总分:7,口语:7,写作:7 GPA: 3 申请材料 Transcript: Upload unofficial transcripts with the application for the departmental initial review. ...
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, SocialPsychology, Professor Barbara Fredrickson3、University o...
Foundation Scholarship to attend Lesley College in Cambridge, Mass. She graduated from Lesley with an MA in Expressive Arts Therapy. She was awarded an additional scholarship from the Onassis Foundation to pursue a Ph.D. in psychology from Palo Alto University in Palo Alto, CA (APA approved ...
Developed by Wilhelm Reich, the father of somatic psychology,Orgonomic Psychotherapy(also known as Reichian Therapy) involves two main components: verbalcharacter analysisandbiophysical interventions.This sophisticated method of character transformation recognizes the mind/body interface and promotes profound ch...
USC Psychology PhD OFFER University of Southern California 南加利福尼亚大学(University of Southern California),又译南加州大学,简称南加大(USC),位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市,1880年由监理会创立,是美国西海岸最古老的私立研究型大学,世界著名高等学府。是美国大学协会(AAU)成员、环太平洋大学联盟成员。
I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the state of California (PSY 23823). With over 20 years of experience in the field of psychology, I have dedicated my career to helping adults just like you reclaim their lives from the grip of OCD, anxiety and trauma. ...
Your statement of purpose should discuss the following: 1) Ways in which your experiences and courses have influenced your intellectual development and interest in psychology. 2) Your present interests in psychology. 3) Any direct experience you have had with psychological work (research assistant...
Vassar College, Bachelor of Arts University of Minnesota, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Vanderbilt University, Postdoctoral Internship in Clinical and Counseling Psychology California Psychologist License #PSY17006 Certified Employee Assistance Professional (CEAP) ...