背景要求 课程修习 学位 学士或者硕士 专业 工作经验 项目信息 时长 学费 $2000 目前,所有全日制学生的学费统一为每学期23486美元,每学期可申请10.5至19.5个学分。参加兼读制课程的学生每学分将收取$ 1,566的费用。 截止日期 2023-06-02Fall 标准考试 TOEFL & IELTS TOEFL--总分60--听力0--阅读36--口语12--...
Neuroscience is a respected profession investigating the brain and nervous system. Discover the best neuroscience PhD programs in the country with this guide!
5. UPenn Psychology 6. UChicago Psychology ( Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Track 定点申请1个p...
PhD in Psychology and Neuroscience 基本信息 学位类型: 博士 开学时间: 9月 专业简介 该心理学与神经系统科学博士专业的学习是一门综合了社会科学和自然科学的学科,主要研究了人类和动物的大脑,行为和认知。该专业的研究范围包含了临床心理学,认知神经系统学,发展学,社会心理学,系统和综合神经系统学。该专业的研究...
I’m planning to apply to PhD programs in cognitive neuroscience this upcoming fall. I’m broadly interested in investigating the relationship between trait differences in affective tendencies and attentional deployment and other online processing, and how those differences interact with long-term memory...
Neuroscience; Political Science; Philosophy; Psychology; Religion; and Sociology 该项目是 同类中最综合...
脑科学是比较大的一个领域,更具体的说,我算是在做Cognitive Psychology(认知心理)和Cognitive Neuroscience(认知神经科学)的部分,比较难的部分是跟教授说自己的研究计划。 不过随着科研过程中和申请季看各实验室的介绍,会对研究方向和研究热点有一个更全面的感知。在此过程中,我也逐渐找到和明确了自己感兴趣的具体的...
(Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience). The UoA2 submission, comprising predominantly Medical School staff. was ranked 3rd in the UK with 94% of our submitted research outputs rated as world leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*). Submissions to UoA1 and UoA4 were shared with ...
More programs from the university Master PHD Founded in 1789, the same year the U.S. Constitution took effect, Georgetown University is the nation's oldest Catholic and Jesuit university. Today, Georgetown is a major international research university that embodies its founding principles in the di...
More Programs Program overview Main Subject Psychology Degree PhD Study Level PHD Study Mode On Campus UTA's PhD in experimental psychology is a mentor-based program with concentations in the psychological sciences and health/neuroscience. We offer a master's-in-passing option for those who...