Clinical Areas (pediatrics, midwifery, critical care, mental health, emergency, operating room, and more). Research Education Health Promotion Management 澳洲有两个公认的护理级别: Registered Nurse。这是一级护士。这些护士接受预注册学位级别课程的教育(例如学士学位或更高学历)。注册护士可以在未注册的所有...
那些希望在澳大利亚留学护理的人可以参加针对不同专业和领域的许多不同课程,例如: Clinical Areas (pediatrics, midwifery, critical care, mental health, emergency, operating room, and more). Research Education Health Promotion Management 澳洲有...
we assess the prevalence of mental health problems in a representative sample of PhD students in F...
• Do you know people who have left the graduate program? • What kind of resources does the program offer (e.g. for mental health, career development, learning new skills, etc.)? • Is there anything you wish you had taken into consideration when making your decision about where to...
Zanele Munyikwa was a Duke computer science major who became drawn to the emerging field of computational social science. In 2015 she joined the second cohort of Research Fellows. The decision wasn’t easy; she had applied to computer science doctoral programs at the same time. “The PhD’s...
consider how your interest in social work, humanistic psychology, or integrative mental health may influence your understanding of, experience with, and approach to the topic. Does this perspective matter, and will it be accep...
structured PhD programs reported higher symptoms of burnout. Our study replicates previous findings of poor mental health in doctoral researchers and indicates further decreases of mental wellbeing under the influence of the pandemic. Systematic adjustments in academia are required to improve the mental ...
2. 论文标题:"The Role of Social Work in Mental Health Care: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Hong Kong and Melbourne" 发表期刊:International Social Work 研究领域:跨文化社会工作实践 主要内容:这项研究比较了香港和墨尔本两地在精神健康领域的社会工作实践。研究发现,尽管两地的社会工作者在专业理念上存在...
(4) "Dua Ti Dawa Ti: understanding psychological distress in the ten districts of the Kashmir Valley and community mental health service needs" (Conflict and Health, 2019) 这篇文章探讨了克什米尔山谷十个地区的心理困扰情况和社区心理健康服务需求。研究采用混合研究方法,深入了解了该地区的心理健康状况和...
company growth. Susanna has achieved success as a leader in scientific communications, community engagement, and optimizing social media platforms by bringing her passion as a researcher and spokesperson for Ph.D. students in mental health advocacy and the promotion of scientific education and ...