我和套瓷教授交流过,一个教授回我邮件的的原话是:It‘s less important for the admissions process but is necessary if you get accepted.也就是说,在一开始筛选的时候,根本不会有人去看你托福多少分,GRE多少分,当他们对你有兴趣或者想要你的时候,他们才会有一定的作用。特别是如果你和另外一个申请者旗鼓相当...
我和套瓷教授交流过,一个教授回我邮件的的原话是:It‘s less important for the admissions process but is necessary if you get accepted.也就是说,在一开始筛选的时候,根本不会有人去看你托福多少分,GRE多少分,当他们对你有兴趣或者想要你的时候,他们才会有一定的作用。特别是如果你和另外一个申请者旗鼓相当...
I wrote this article to help PhD applicants understand the path their applications take once they have been electronically submitted because, as they say, knowledge is power. By knowing how admissions decisions are made, applicants are better-empowered to submit strong applications. Many of the ques...
Writing a PhD dissertation is a complex and time-consuming process that requires careful planning, extensive research, and effective communication skills. In this article, wewill provide a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through this challenging task. Step 1: Choosing a Research Topic [Ch...
弱弱的问下大家网申提交学位的时候,就提交硕士毕业证和学位证可以不?提交本科的有点麻烦 ...
The Department of Computational and Process Engineering ofLUT School of Engineering Scienceis looking fora junior researcher in applied mathematicsto strengthen our research group in Uncertainty quantification and inverse problems. The research group focuses on applied statistics and inverse problems. We spec...
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Despite all that’s been done to improve doctoral study, horror stories keep coming. Here three students relate PhD nightmares while two academics advise on how ensure a successful supervision
I have taken Complete Application help from YMGRAD, the process was smooth, and their SOPs helped me to get a scholarship of 25% discount for each semester at George Washington University. I am waiting for decisions from UCB, and IUB. ...
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