Please find information on admission requirements for PhD positions on the website of the Doctoral School. The complete application including attachments shall be sent electronically by selecting the "apply online" function on AAU’s job-portal other online job ...
TUM; Denmark – SDU, CBS; the Netherlands – Leiden University, TU Eindhoven; Switzerland – EPFL), and research visiting opportunities during the PhD can be offered.
) 因为精神状态不佳,目前申请的结果不太好,美国一些低排名(专排六七十)和英国一些老牌工科院校有一些老师抛出机会,英国拿到了offer但奖学金得下个月再出,美国还可以继续申请,教授可以开portal,目前很纠结应该去哪里 求求过来人给意见 本人性格不卷,看重wlb...
具体详情及申请细节请参见: (学校招聘网,需要寻找该位置点击) 或者直接链接) PhD Position in urban metabolism and urban sustainability ...